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UNEM (Union Nationale des Etudiants Marocains) / SECTION POLOGNE
“A lot of relationships were forged at that time, some of which lasted and some of which didn’t. And then there was the political activity—demonstrating against the Vietnam War, for example—and people meeting because of political affinities. There weren’t many Moroccans, but we were very active.
I remember all kinds of meetings, UNEM gatherings…. There was also a year when I organized a national symposium on Black Power, and I had to make the inaugural speech in Polish. There was another one on Palestine with the Union of Foreign and Polish Students. Karim Idriss and I were members. We discussed these issues. We were subscribers to the Tricontinental magazine. Our Palestinian, Syrian, and Iraqi friends were deeply concerned by the Palestine question.”
Abdelkader Lagtaa, 2019

Opening speech for Womens’ Day by Abdelkader Lagtaa, 1967, A. Lagtaa archives

Photographs by Abdelkrim Derkaoui 1966-1972
With Mostafa Derkaoui, Karim Idriss, Aziz Sayed, Abdelkader Lagtaa, Abdelkrim Derkaoui

Postcard of Lódź, 1971, personal collection

A letter from the Association of Polish Students granting Karim Idriss, President of the Polish branch of the UNEM, permission to miss class to attend a conference in Belgrade, PWSTiF archives, Lódź
A letter from the Association of Polish Students granting Karim Idriss, President of the Polish branch of the UNEM, permission to miss class to attend a conference in Belgrade, PWSTiF archives, Lódź

Recommendation letter from UNEM for Hamid Bensaid, 1967, PWSTiF archives, Lódź
Recommendation letter from UNEM for Hamid Bensaid, 1967, PWSTiF archives, Lódź

Lagtaa’s attendance at the 10th conference of foreign students, JOURNAL DZIENNIK ŁÓDŹKI, 18th of December, 1968
Lagtaa’s attendance at the 10th conference of foreign students, JOURNAL DZIENNIK ŁÓDŹKI, 18th of December, 1968
Copyright © 2020 / Léa Morin — CINIMA3 / Talitha