Tricontinental Bulletin n°33, December 1968, OSPAAAL, personal archive
(3. 3)
“We were dreaming of unity, be it Arab, African, Third World, or global. A oneness, a unity of peoples fighting for independence and socialism, on every continent.”
Abdelfettah Fakihani, Le couloir, bribes de vérité sur les années de plomb [The Corridor: Snippets of Truth from the Years of Lead], Casablanca, Tarik éditions, 2005

Solidarity meetings in Lódź, photographs by Abdelkrim Derkaoui 1966-1970
with Karim Idriss, Abdellah Drissi, Mostafa Derkaoui

Tricontinental Bulletin n°42, September 1969, OSPAAAL
Executive Secretariat of the Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America, personal collection
Tricontinental Bulletin n°42, September 1969, OSPAAAL
Executive Secretariat of the Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America, personal collection

Letter from the Committee of Foreign Students in Lódź, PWSTiF archives, Lódź, 1969
Miguel Sobrado, 2019
Letter from the Committee of Foreign Students in Lódź, PWSTiF archives, Lódź, 1969
“I remember Mostafa Derkaoui being very aware of the struggles in Morocco against repression and very concerned about the disappearance of Ben Barka. Committed as we were to the development of our countries, we shared dreams of collaboration and cooperation after graduating. I obtained my sociology degree in 1971 and returned to Costa Rica. In the cinema field, there was definitely a demand and the possible conditions for the Derkaouis to join me, but it never happened.”
Miguel Sobrado, 2019
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