Mostafa Derkaoui in the film A Shadow Among Others by Abdelkader Lagtaa, 1969, PWSFTviT
(3. 5)
Technical details
Original title: Cień wśród innych
Screenplay and direction: Abdelkader Lagtaa
Duration: 5 min
Year: 1969
Film format: 35mm
Image: Abdelkrim Derkaoui
Production : PWSFTviT / documentary study
An exiled political opponent receives a threatening postcard from the Brigade for the Elimination of Political Enemies.
“What kind of films should we make then? What kind of cinema corresponds to our aspirations? Those sorts of debates were very common between us. The idea of a politically engaged film was ever-present in our discussions. At school, I tried things. It was a place to experiment. Afterwards, we were confronted with reality. We couldn’t do whatever we wanted but making a film about Morocco was no problem at all.”

Set elements:
D’une Algérie à l’autre [From One Algeria to Another], Alain Jacob - Edition Grasset, 1963
Ouvriers, étudiants, un seul combat! [Workers, Students, One Fight !], Partisans, Editions François Maspero, n°42 May - June 1968
Option révolutionnaire au Maroc, Ecrits politiques [The Revolutionary Option in Morocco : political writings], Mehdi Ben Barka, Editions François Maspero, 1966
Stills from the film A Shadow Among Others, Abdelkader Lagtaa, 1969, PWSFTviT
Set elements:
D’une Algérie à l’autre [From One Algeria to Another], Alain Jacob - Edition Grasset, 1963
Ouvriers, étudiants, un seul combat! [Workers, Students, One Fight !], Partisans, Editions François Maspero, n°42 May - June 1968
Option révolutionnaire au Maroc, Ecrits politiques [The Revolutionary Option in Morocco : political writings], Mehdi Ben Barka, Editions François Maspero, 1966

Photograph on the set of Abdelkader Lagtaa’s A Shadow Among Others, Abdelkrim Derkaoui, 1969
Wallpaper as decor, made from copies of the Granma International newspaper

Granma International, newspaper of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Havana, Cuba, 1967

Mostafa Derkaoui in Abdelkader Lagtaa’s A Shadow Among Others looks at a poster reading “le cinéma s’insurge” [Cinema rises up] from the Estates General of Cinema, Paris, 1969, PWSFTviT

Cover of the Estates General of Cinema booklet n°1, Le cinéma s’insurge [Cinema rises up], 1968, personal collection

Ben Barka poster, OSPAAAL, 1969, Jesus Forjans, personal collection
Copyright © 2020 / Léa Morin — CINIMA3 / Talitha